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New Feature

  • We’ve introduced a new module called Marketplace to simplify workflow creation. It provides predefined flows designed for common use cases. For example, if a bank requires a specific workflow, you can directly use a predefined template suited to your needs, reducing setup time and effort.
  • Introducing some handy new Workflows:

    • Number Prompt: This verification method enhances convenience by enabling logins through a simple number prompt system, making the process faster and more user-friendly.
  • Sub Workflow: This lets you choose a sub workflow module within the Sub Workflow's configs to minimize larger configurations. By referencing an existing sub workflow instead of duplicating workflows across different paths, it simplifies setup, ensures uniformity, and streamlines workflow management.


  • We’ve added helper functions to several workflow modules, making it easier to configure and use them effectively.

  • Made an enhancement to streamline input collection. When a Dynamic Form is used to gather inputs such as Aadhaar number, email, and phone number, and is followed by respective workflows like Verify Aadhaar, Verify Phone, or Verify Email, the collected inputs no longer need to be re-entered for verification. This enhancement simplifies the process by utilizing the previously collected inputs, improving efficiency and reducing redundancy.

Bug Fixes

  • We resolved a minor UI issue to ensure a smoother and more consistent experience.