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  • We have implemented Liveness detection, allowing us to identify recorded videos for more reliable and secure identity verification.

  • Now, when an onboarding or verification process fails, the result notifications are properly sent to the Kafka Event stream for efficient tracking.

  • We've updated the UI to direct users to contact support for updating plans and invoices.

  • We made several improvements to the Selfie Verification workflow, enhancing both accuracy and user experience.

  • The activity page has been refined to show counts as K+ (e.g., 10.5K+ instead of 10.534K), making it easier to read and understand large numbers.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the Liveness face comparison was getting stuck in a loop when a photo or recorded video was used.

  • In Web SDK, the FIDO functionality was not working as expected. We have resolved this issue, restoring proper functionality.

  • We addressed the problem where QR codes were not being generated if the device was disabled.

  • We fixed a UI inconsistency on the "How to Use?" page that was caused in specific browsers.

  • Fixed an issue in the Workflow modules where the "Configs" tab was not loading, ensuring that all configuration options are accessible and functional.