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Splunk is a platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data. It provides insights into various aspects of IT infrastructure, security, and business operations.


You must have an account in Splunk.

1 Go to Dashboard > Marketplace > SSO Integrations.


2 Select Splunk from the list.

3 You'll land on the overview page, with an additional tab: Installation (providing a step-by-step installation guide).


4 Click on INSTALL.

5 Provide a Name, and for the ACS URL, go to your Splunk Dashboard.

6 Copy the domain part of the URL and add /saml/acs in the end; this will be your ACS URL. Example: https://{domain}

7 Return to your dashboard, paste the ACS URL.


8 Provide "Splunk" as the Entity ID.


9 Once the configurations are provided, click on INSTALL.

10 To enable Splunk SSO login, go to Applications > SSO, and click on the created Splunk SSO.

Splunk SSO

11 Click on Mappers > ADD IN-BUILT MAPPERS.


12 List of in-built mappers will be displayed for the particular SSO. Check on role list.

role list

13 Click on ADD SELECTED.

14 Click on the added "role list."


15 A set of configurations will be displayed.


The Role attribute name should be noted for "role list". This name should be used while creating group in Splunk.

Role list configurations

16 Switch to Splunk, click on Settings > Authentication methods.

Settings > Authentication methods

17 Check on SAML and click on Configure Splunk to use SAML.

Configure Splunk to use SAML

18 The SAML Configuration will be displayed.

SAML configs

19 Return to your dashboard, go to Applications > SSO, and click on the created Splunk SSO.

Splunk SSO

20 Click on Metadata, where the list of endpoints for the particular SSO will be available. Copy the Login Endpoint.

Login Endpoint

21 Switch to Splunk, paste it in Single Sign On(SSO) URL.

Single Sign On(SSO) URL

22 Return to your dashboard, click on COPY TO CLIPBOARD for the X509 certificate.


23 Switch to Splunk, paste the X509 certificate.


24 Return to your dashboard, copy the Entity ID.

Entity ID

25 Switch to Splunk, paste the Entity ID in Issuer ID.

Issuer ID

26 Provide Entity ID as the same that was provided during installation of Splunk SSO in your dashboard.

Entity ID

27 Click on Alias, a set of configurations will be displayed. Provide "Role alias", "RealName alias" and "Mail alias" as the name given while creating "role mapper" in your dashboard. For instance, "Role" was the name given in this flow.


28 Click on Advanced Settings. Provide your Splunk Domain URL in Fully qualified domain name. Example: https://{domain}

Fully qualified domain name

29 Provice "0" for Redirect port - load balancer.

Redirect port - load balancer

30 Click on Save.

31 Click on New Group.

New Group

32 Provide Group Name.


The Group Name should be the same name as the role-list mapper created in your dashboard. i.e, Role.

Group Name

33 For Splunk Roles, select sc_admin from the drop-down. Click on Save.

Splunk Roles

34 Return to your dashboard, User Management > User Groups > Click on CREATE GROUP.


35 Provide the same name that was given for the role-list mapper name attribute, i.e: Role. Click on SAVE.


36 Assign a user with Splunk role. To do so, navigate to Users or Workspace Admins, click on the user you want to assign the role.

Workspace Admins

37 You will be taken to the user's Details tab, click on Roles & Groups.

38 Select List View and click on + ADD ROLE.


39 The available roles will appear; select sso-splunk-Splunk-role and click on ADD ROLES.

Available Roles

40 To verify whether SSO has been successfully enabled, go to Applications > SSO, click on SSO DASHBOARD button.


41 The Splunk SSO will be enabled successfully.

Splunk SSO

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