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This section contains all the configurations regarding the specific application in ezto auth.

Here's how you view

1 Go to Dashboard > Applications.

2 Click on the application you wish to view.

3 The application's General page will be displayed.



The Application Name, Description and Enable fields are common for all the applications.


Application NameProvide a unique and easily recognizable name for your application.
DescriptionA detailed information about your application for better understanding.
EnableDecide whether users need to log in or obtain access tokens to use the application.
ThemePick a visually appealing theme for login, OTP, grant, registration, and forgot password pages to create a consistent user experience. (NOTE: This does not apply for SSO application.)
ConfidentialThis option is to get an App Secret and obtain an Access Token by exchanging it with a code. (NOTE: This is ideal for Browser Based, High Secured, and REST API applications.
Company IDThis is a unique identifier for your company or organization. (NOTE: It's only applicable for SSO applications.)
Show In SSO DashboardIf you want the application to appear in the SSO dashboard, enable this option. (NOTE: Make sure to add a valid redirect URL for Browser Based and High Secured applications.
Valid Redirect URIsSet valid URI patterns that the browser can redirect to after successful login or logout especially when using SAML. (NOTE: This is specific for Browser Based and High Secured applications.)
App SecretThis will be generated upon creating the application.

Configuration specific to Intelligent Web Secure (IWS)

Application Login URLProvide the URL where users will see the login screen, for example: (
Who sets the credentials?Choose the type of credential management for the application, like user-provided or system-managed.
SSO Logo UrlAdd a Logo Url for quick identification of this app in the SSO dashboard.
IWS ScriptIf required, list the elements that the application should traverse to create a seamless login process.

4 You can configure the above fields based on your requirements. Once done, click on SAVE.

Know more

Create Application

Application Execution