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Error Codes

This page provides error codes encountered in certain workflow modules. The Generic Codes section includes errors that apply to all the workflows mentioned on this page, typically related to system issues, request failures, and access problems. Below that, Workflow Module Specific Error Codes detail errors unique to individual verification processes.

Generic Codes

These errors can occur in any of the workflows mentioned on this page. They typically relate to system issues, request failures, or access restrictions that may disrupt the process.

Error CodeAPI ResponseMessage
EV0001401 UnauthorizedSomething went wrong. Please try again, or contact support if the issue persists.
EV0002403 ForbiddenSomething went wrong. Please try again, or contact support if the issue persists.
EV0003404 Not FoundSomething went wrong. Please try again later or contact support for assistance.
EV0004408 Request TimeoutSomething went wrong. Please try again later or contact support for assistance.
EV0005409 ConflictSomething went wrong. Please try again later or contact support for assistance.
EV0006429 Too Many RequestsToo many requests. Please try again later or contact support for assistance.
EV0007500 Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong. Please try again later or contact support for assistance.
EV0008User cancelled the flow.

Workflow Module Specific Error Codes

These errors are tied to specific verification workflows. They indicate issues unique to that particular process, such as failed verification attempts or invalid inputs.


When a Validator is used with any of the workflow modules listed below as the preceding one, you can access these error codes through the Validator. To retrieve an error code, use the following claim format in your Validator: ${workflow_module_name_error_codes}.

API Request


Name Similarity Check

PAN Aadhaar Link Status

Selfie Registration

Selfie Verification

Verify Aadhaar with OTP

Verify Bank

Verify PAN