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The Hook result notification method allows you to define how the result should be shared. Hooks are used to intercept events and perform additional actions or modifications before or after the event occurs.

Access Application

1 Navigate to Workspace, and click on Applications.

2 Choose the application you wish to execute the flow with configuration as Hook.

3 Click on the Configuration tab, and select Hook in the Result Notification Way.


4 You will be displayed with the Hook settings. There are six Hook notification way available:

Hook Settings

Poll involves regularly checking endpoint for updates or results. This method requires sending requests at specified intervals to retrieve the latest information or determine if any updates have occurred since the last check.

How it Works

1 Set up the Result Notification Way as Hook and select Poll as the method for hook notifications.


Manage Poll

(*) Indicates an action to be mandatory.

Hook Notification WayWhen using the Poll method for hook notifications, configure the following settings.
Poll Interval*Set the interval in seconds between each poll request to check for updates.
Notification Response TypeChoose the type of notification response required from the available options, i.e, Plaintext, Encrypted and Token.

2 After configuring, ensure to SAVE the configurations.

  • Make sure your required workflow is set before starting with the execution process in order to get the expected result.
  • To initiate the execution process, go to the How to use? tab within the Application. You'll see the steps laid out for you to follow using the cURL commands, or can simply test the flow using the test mode.

3 Launch Postman or your preferred API tool and execute the flow by configuring the suitable Method, URL, and Body settings. If you're seeking guidance on how to perform these actions, see here.

4 Upon initiating the API (Send Request) call, (copy the auth_req_id from the API response body to the clipboard) a verification request will be sent to your configured Verification Way settings.

5 Based on the request, execute the flow in an incognito browser and follow the prompts to complete the verification process.

6 After completing the verification process, view the exact response type with Get Result cURL command, and initiate the API(Get Result) call with the copied auth_req_id

Note that, each results will be different based on the configured Hook type for Result Notification Type.

7 Below is a sample response:

"phone_verified at": "1692885766",
"phone_region": "in",

8 To view a detailed response for Poll Hook type, refer to our API Builder.