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How to Integrate - Web

Integrating web applications with the ezto verify's Web SDK, a service used for identity verification and fraud prevention, involves several key steps to ensure a seamless and secure user experience.


  • Ensure you have the necessary SDK scripts.
  • Make sure all frameworks are updated to their latest versions.
  • You must have a workflow and application already set up.

1 Setup Workflow

Make sure to have a workflow configured in your Workspace to be executed. This guide uses Biometric as an example workflow.

1 Navigate to Workspace > Workflows, and create a new workflow for Verify Email. If you need understanding in creating a workflow, refer to the step-by-step guide here.

2 Hover over the plus (+) symbol and select Workflow. From the list, click Verify Email to add it.

Verify Email

3 Click on the newly added workflow, then select the General tab to customize your preferences.

4 Then, click on the Configs tab to set the necessary configurations.

5 After you've configured everything needed, click on the SAVE button.

6 Proceed to attach the workflow to the relevant application for execution.

7 Go to Applications and choose the application that is configured for this integration. Please refer to the below application requirements for Web integration.

8 Proceed to attach the Verify Email. To know how, refer here.

2 Configure Application

Please ensure that your application is configured with Web as the Verification Way, using SDK for integration type, and Web SDK for the Result Notification Way.

1 Navigate to Workspace, and click on Applications.

2 Select the application you want to set up for this integration.

3 Click on application's Configurations tab and choose Web as the Verification Way.


4 Once the settings are displayed, make the necessary configurations, and then click on the SAVE button. To know more about Web, refer here.

Once the application is set up with the appropriate configurations, proceed with the following steps.

3 Add SDK Scripts

  • Add eztoverify and JavaScript bundles using CDN:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>
  • Add ezto verify css using tag.(or add your custom CSS.)
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  • Initialize the ezto verify SDK in your web application:

const ez = new eztoverify();

  • To start the verification in your web application, call the below function:

request: {}
}, {
api: "{API}"
}, function(res) {
// You will get the "auth_req_id" in the response callback.

  • To view the response, input the copied auth_req_id into the Get Result API.