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Keys serve as the secure communication and information security, functioning as essential digital elements. Their critical role involves encrypting and decrypting data, confirming identities, and upholding the security triad of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity for information.

There are different kinds of key, widely used to for encryption algorithm, for increasing the security efficiency of protecting data.

The Keys that are available in ezto auth are, aes-generated, ecdsa-generated, hmac-generated, java-keystore, rsa, rsa-enc, rsa-enc-generated, and rsa-generated.



The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a highly symmetric encryption algorithm renowned for its security and efficient data protection capabilities. When data or content is designated as "AES-generated," it indicates that AES encryption or encryption-related methods have been employed to safeguard it.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityPriority level assigned to the provider.
EnableIndicates whether the keys are enabled or not.
ActiveIndicates whether the keys can be used for signing.
AES Key SizeThis field specifies the size in bytes for the generated AES Key. A size of 16 corresponds to AES-128, a size of 24 corresponds to AES-192, and a size of 32 corresponds to AES-256. Note: Some JDK implementations may not allow keys larger than 128 bits; caution is advised.

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It commonly denotes something that has been produced or formed through the utilization of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA is a widely adopted cryptographic technique employed for generating digital signatures and confirming their legitimacy. When data or content is labeled as ECDSA-generated, it signifies that the ECDSA algorithm has been utilized in its creation, frequently for tasks related to digital signatures and authentication.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecify whether the keys are enabled or not.
ActiveIndicate whether the keys can be utilized for signing.
Elliptic CurveThe Elliptic Curve employed in ECDSA.

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It generally denotes an entity or data that has been generated or formed using the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) algorithm. This widely adopted cryptographic technique plays a key role in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of data by employing a shared secret key.



Console Display NameThis field indicates the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityDenotes the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecifies whether the keys are enabled or not.
Secret SizeThe size in bytes for the generated secret.
AlgorithmThe intended algorithm for the key.

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A java keyStore, commonly known as "JKS," serves as a storage facility for cryptographic keys, certificates, and other confidential security-related information. It forms an integral part of Java's security framework, finding extensive applications in securing communication, authenticating users and systems, and maintaining data integrity.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecify whether the keys are enabled or not.
AlgorithmDenotes the intended algorithm for the key.
Keystore*Path to the keys file.
Keystore Password*Password for accessing the keys.
Key Alias*Alias for the private key.
Key Password*Password for the private key.
Key UseSpecifies whether the key should be used for signing or encryption.

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RSA, stands as a prominent public-key encryption and digital signature algorithm within the realm of cryptography. RSA persists as an integral cornerstone of contemporary secure communication and information security solutions.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecify whether the keys are enabled or not.
ActiveSpecify whether the keys can be used for signing.
Private RSA KeyThe Private RSA Key encoded in PEM format.
X509 Certificate*The X509 Certificate encoded in PEM format.
AlgorithmDenotes the intended algorithm for the key.

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It commonly denotes RSA encryption, a cryptographic technique that employs the RSA algorithm to safeguard data by transforming it into an indecipherable format, only accessible with the corresponding private key.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecify whether the keys are enabled or not.
ActiveSpecify whether the keys can be used for signing.
Private RSA KeyThe Private RSA Key encoded in PEM format.
X509 Certificate*The X509 Certificate encoded in PEM format.
AlgorithmDenotes the intended algorithm for the key.

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It generally describes an entity or data that has been generated or produced using RSA encryption. RSA encryption relies on the RSA algorithm to protect data by transforming it into an unreadable format, that can only be deciphered using the matching private key.



Console Display NameThis field represents the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority level assigned to the provider.
EnableSpecify whether the keys are enabled or not.
ActiveSpecify whether the keys can be used for signing.
Key SizeThe size in bytes for the generated secret.
AlgorithmDenotes the intended algorithm for the key.

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It generally refers to something that has been produced or created using the RSA encryption algorithm. RSA encryption employs mathematical techniques to secure data by converting it into an encrypted format that can only be deciphered with the associated private key.



Console Display NameThis field specifies the display name of the provider when linked in the admin console.
PriorityIndicates the priority assigned to the provider.
EnableSet this option to determine if the keys are enabled.
ActiveSet this option to determine if the keys can be used for signing.
Key SizeIndicates the size in bytes of the generated secret.
AlgorithmDenotes the intended algorithm for the key.

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