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Action Policy

It is possible for a certain action policy to be triggered automatically when specific criteria are met.

Follow the below steps

1 Go to Dashboard > Policies.

2 Click on + CREATE POLICY

Create Policy

3 Provide a descriptive name an select the policy type as Action from the dropdown.

Action Policy

4 Click on CREATE.

5 You will be moved to the created policy, and will be provided with options to manage and add policy types.

6 Click on ADD POLICY, the available list of policies will be displayed in the drop-down.


These set of policy types are specific to Action Policy.

Manage Policy

Policies and its functionality

EMAIL VERIFIEDConfirms if the user's email is verified according to the specified configuration value.
NO EMAILChecks if the user has no email address.
METADATA POLICYConfigurable verification for various user information, such as age.
CHECK SSOValidates if Single Sign-On (SSO) is triggered for a user.
CUSTOM USER METADATAEnsures that user metadata matches the specified value.
NO LASTNAMEVerifies if the user does not have a last name.
HAS ROLEChecks if any roles have been assigned to the user.
NO FIRSTNAMEVerifies if the user does not have a first name.
TRIGGER POLICYAllows the execution of actions when a specific policy is triggered.
CHANGE IP HISTORYVerifies if the user is logging in from a different IP address compared to their previous logins.
CHANGE OSChecks if the user is using a different operating system compared to their last login.
IP BLACKLISTVerifies if the user is trying to access from an IP address that is blacklisted, with the option to update the blacklist.
NO LOGIN CHECKChecks the user's login activity and evaluates if the last login is greater or equal to a defined configured value.
WEBHOOKEnables the inclusion of a webhook URL for sending POST requests with specific details, interpreting a response code of 200 as true and other response codes as false.
IS TEMP PASSWORDChecks if the user is using a temporary password.
NOT IN IP RANGEDetermines if the user's IP address is outside the defined IP range or matches any provided IP addresses in the list. Accepted policy value formats include: to,, or a list like;
CHANGE BROWSERVerifies if the user has changed their browser since the last login.
NO PHONENUMBERChecks if the user does not have a phone number in their profile.
PHONE NUMBER VERIFIEDValidates if the user's phone number is verified.

Policy Decision

7 When multiple policies are added, the Policy Decision Strategies option will be enabled.

Policy Decision StrategiesDescription
UnanimousThe default strategy, in the absence of any provided strategy, is such that all policies must yield a positive evaluation for the final decision to be considered positive.
AffirmativeIn this scenario, for the final decision to be considered positive, it is required that at least one policy evaluate to a positive decision.

8 After providing the required data, click on the SAVE.

Know more

Create Policy

Username Policy

Password Policy

WebAuthn Policy