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The GitHub platform is a web-based application that is commonly used for program development and version control. Among its features are managing and tracking changes to source code and other types of files.


Make sure to create a GitHub Developer account before you begin.

1 Go to Dashboard > Authentication > Social.


3 You will be redirected to the social connection providers page, where you can view all the available providers.

Social Connection

4 Click on GitHub.

5 You will be directed to the configuration page for the chosen social connection method.


6 To enable GitHub login, you must first create an application porject in GitHub Developer Apps.

  • Copy the redirect URL for the GitHub provider from the dashboard as the first step.

Redirect URL

  • Go to GitHub Developer Console and click on Developer settings.

  • Click on OAuth Apps > Register a new application


  • Paste the Redirect URL copied from your dashboard in the Authorization callback URL. Input the Homepage URL.

Authorization callback URL

  • Click on Register application.

  • The Client ID and Client Secret will be generated, copy it your clipboard.

Client ID & Secret

7 Return to your dashboard, paste the Client ID in App ID and Client Secret in App Secret.

App ID & Secret

8 Configure the other required specification, click on SAVE.

Know more

Create Social Connection

Application Details

Application Execution

Attach Social Connection to Application