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Apache kafka

Apache Kafka is a community-driven event streaming platform with the capability to manage trillions of daily events. You can easily configure it within ezto auth by following a few simple steps.

Follow the below steps

1 Go to Dashboard > Audit > Streamers.

2 Click on Apache Kafka.

3 The "How to" tab will appear, providing a step-by-step guide for the configuration setup.

4 Click on Configuration.

5 Toggle the enable button for Enabled Apache Kafka. This action will reveal a set of configuration.



(*) Indicates that the action is mandatory.

*Kafka Bootstrap ServerProvide the Kafka Bootstrap Server in the format, and for clusters, list multiple nodes separated by ','
Kafka TopicSpecify the Kafka topic to which data will be published.
Send Admin EventsEnable this option to transmit admin events.
*Kafka Admin Event TopicSpecify the Kafka topic for publishing admin events.
Events TypesChoose event types from the dropdown menu to be sent to the specified topic.
AuthenticationEnable this option to input your Kafka server credentials.
*Username or API keyEnter the API key or username for your Kafka server.
*Password or API secret:Input the API secret or password for your Kafka server.

The streamer will be automatically disabled if the Apache Kafka Bootstrap servers are unreachable or experiencing issues.

7 After providing the necessary configurations. Click on SAVE.

8 Then, click on TEST CONFIGURATION to verify that the configuration is correct. If the test is successful, you will see LIVE displayed next to Apache Kafka.

Know more

API & WebHooks

AWS EventBridge

