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Identity Glssary
We've put together a glossary of identity terms for newcomers and seasoned developers, alike. Hopefully this helps put any identity terminology confusion to rest.
Authentication Way
It is how users verify their identity and ezto verify typically offers various authentication methods, such as Mobile, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) verification, and Web. Select the method that best suits your use case and your users' preferences. This choice may influence the user experience and security of your application.
Access Token
A credential utilized by an application to gain access to an API, serving as an authorization indicator that confirms the bearer's permission to interact with the API and execute particular actions.
Actions serve as a pivotal means for customizing and expanding capabilities within a system by implementing bespoke logic tailored to specific needs and requirements. This empowers users to fine-tune the functionality and behavior of the system.
This the central hub for managing and customizing your verification services. It serves as the cornerstone of your interaction with the ezto auth platform, offering a range of features and settings to ensure a seamless and secure verification experience.
To know more, see Application
It encompasses a wide range of actions, operations, and interactions. These activities play a vital role in the management and oversight of verification processes, guaranteeing their smooth execution, security, and alignment with your specified requirements.
To know more, see Activity
App ID
This is a unique identifier generated for an application to distinguish it from others. It serves as a means to reference and manage the application within a system or platform.
App Secret
An App Secret is a confidential and integral piece of information employed to authenticate and ensure security within an application. Its primary purpose lies in verifying the application's identity during interactions with external services or APIs, and it is safeguarded as a precautionary measure to thwart unauthorized access.
This serves as a comprehensive record(logs) of all actions executed within the dashboard, offering detailed information to empower organizations to operate with greater effectiveness and responsibility, facilitating continuous improvement.
To know more, see Audit
A Workspace Admin in ezto verify ,refers to the primary account creator and the individuals designated as co-administrators within the workspace. During the initial setup of a Workspace, users are given the opportunity to appoint co-administrators.
To know more, see Admin
Account Usage
Account Usage section provides users with detailed insights into their usage metrics. This section offers information regarding the utilization of various services, including Transaction, Emails, SMS, and WhatsApp, within the ezto verify platform.
To know more, see Account Usage
Account Status
Account Status, encompasses a comprehensive collection of information and metrics regarding various aspects of an account's usage and performance. This includes details related to WhatsApp usage, transaction statistics, email activity, and SMS.
To know more, see Account Status
Anomaly Detection
It is a data analysis technique that involves identifying uncommon or a typical occurrences within a dataset that largely consists of typical or expected data points. This method is employed to pinpoint rare or unusual events or patterns within ezto verify, which can be crucial for tasks such as problem detection and fraud prevention.
To know more, see Anomaly Detection
Admin Logs
Admin Logs are dedicated record or log page that tracks and displays all actions associated with administrators. These logs provide detailed information, including the timestamp (TIME), the type of action (TYPE), the user responsible for the action (USER), and the type of resource or element affected by the action (RESOURCE TYPE).
To know more, see Admin Logs
Bruteforce Detection
This is a crucial cybersecurity mechanism designed to monitor login attempts and detect indications of brute force attacks. These attacks involve adversaries attempting numerous password guesses systematically or attacks that occur from a single IP address and target a single user account.
To know more, see Bruteforce Detection
The process of tailoring the visual identity and user interface of the ezto verify platform to align with an organization's branding preferences and user expectations. By customizing ezto verify resources, organizations can create a consistent and recognizable user experience that instills confidence among users, emphasizing the platform's reputation as a secure and reputable service provider.
To know more, see Branding
Custom Domain
The capability of personalizing your Workspace URL by replacing the default domain name with a custom and user-defined domain name.
To know more, see Custom Domain
An attribute contained within a security token represents a statement or assertion made by the issuer of the token regarding a specific entity. This field is available in all ezto verify templates.
Consent, within the context of onboarding and verification processes, is the formal agreement or authorization obtained from a user before proceeding with specific actions, such as onboarding onto a platform or conducting verification procedures.
Specifying, setting, or customizing the operational parameters, settings, or attributes of an application or template to tailor its behavior or functionality to specific requirements. It encompasses the arrangement and adjustment of various components to optimize performance, security, and functionality.
Docs refers to a set of written materials and resources that provide comprehensive information, specifications, and instructions about our product, process, and service.
Developers may handle confidential information such as App IDs and App Secrets of an application. These are critical components of secure authentication and data exchange processes, ensuring that applications can interact with servers and APIs in a protected and trusted manner.
Converting encrypted or coded information back into its original, human-readable form. It is the reverse operation of encryption, where data is transformed into a secure and unreadable format to protect it from unauthorized access.
To know more, see Decryption
Refers as a predefined or standard setting, state, or value that is automatically applied when no specific alternative or user-defined choice is made. In various contexts, default settings serve as a starting point or a fallback option when a user or system does not provide explicit instructions or preferences.
Email Provider
Feature or component within an application or system that is specifically designed to facilitate the integration of various email service providers. Its primary purpose is to manage and streamline the process of sending and receiving email notifications by enabling communication via email.
To know more, see Email Provider
Encryption is a process of converting plaintext or readable data into an unreadable format known as ciphertext, using encryption algorithms and cryptographic keys. The primary purpose of encryption is to protect sensitive information and ensure data confidentiality.
To know more, see Encryption
Firebase JSON
Firebase JSON is the data format employed within Firebase, a widely used mobile and web application development platform developed by Google. It relies on JSON to manage and transmit data within Firebase, granting developers the capability to structure and manipulate data in a manner that is both hierarchical and readily accessible.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated telephony technology that enables interactions between callers and computer systems through voice or keypad inputs. IVR is used as a high secured transaction process in ezto verify .
An Identity Provider (IDP) serves as a reliable online service or system tasked with the authentication and validation of users or entities, granting them secure access to a variety of applications, services, or resources.
Keys, in the realm of information security, are cryptographic components used to secure digital communication, protect data, verify identities, and uphold the core principles of information security: confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Keys are instrumental in encryption and decryption processes, serving as secret codes or parameters that govern how data is transformed into a secure format and back to its original state.
To know more, see Keys
Logs are chronological records or entries that capture specific events, activities, or transactions within a computer system, network, application, or device. Logs are essential for monitoring, troubleshooting, auditing, and security analysis, providing a historical record of system behavior and user interactions.
To know more, see Logs
This is one of the authentication methods used by the ezto verify application to verify the identity of users. This method involves the use of mobile devices, as a means to confirm a user's identity and grant them access to the application or services provided by ezto verify.
To know more, see Mobile
Once a task or process has finished, you can review its outcomes by making a API request to the designated endpoint where the results are available. This endpoint typically holds the data generated from the completed process, allowing you to retrieve and analyze the relevant information.
To know more, see Push
Ping is employed to verify the accessibility and response duration of a network-connected device or server. In simpler terms, it will alert you once the authentication process has been finalized.
To know more, see Ping
Polling refers to the process of regularly checking a data source, service, or endpoint for updates or changes. It involves sending requests at set intervals to gather the latest information or to see if there have been any modifications since the last check.
To know more, see Poll
A policy refers to a predefined set of guidelines, rules, or conditions that dictate how transactions are processed, monitored, or controlled within a system or application. These policies can encompass various aspects, such as metadata handling, historical IP changes, IP blacklisting, webhook notifications, and IP range restrictions, among others.
Result Notification Way
It serves as a means to inform users or relevant parties about the status, outcomes, or updates of specific processes or actions. In the case of the ezto verify application, it specifically supports the Hook method, which is a notification approach that involves Ping, Push, and Poll.
Rotate Secret
It is a security practice in which the confidential authentication key or secret key used by an application is periodically changed or updated.
Security Defense
A comprehensive set of protective measures, strategies, and mechanisms implemented within an information technology environment to safeguard against unauthorized access, cyber threats, and vulnerabilities.
To know more, see Security Defense
Subscription Plan
A payment arrangement where users are required to pay a recurring fee to access and utilize the services and features offered by ezto verify.
To know more, see Subscription Plan
SMS Provider
An SMS Provider is a specialized service or platform that offers the capability to send, receive, and manage Short Message Service (SMS) messages, commonly known as text messages, over a telecommunications network.
To know more, see SMS Provider
The ezto verify Workspace / Dashboard is where you manage all aspects of your ezto verify subscription and configuration.
Workspace Setting
It refers to a collection of configurable options and parameters within a worksapce. These settings allow users, administrators, or workspace owners to customize and manage various aspects of the workspace's functionality and behavior. Workspace settings often include components such as subscription settings, general settings, workspace admin settings, and workspace attributes.
To know more, see Workspace Setting